Teledentistry Visit Etiquette

When hosting a Teledentix virtual visit, it is important to ensure that the professional standards of in-person care are maintained in a virtual environment. Use the points below as a guide for your Teledentix visits.

The list below is not exhaustive, but rather some key considerations to make when preparing to conduct teledentistry visits. 


  • Ensure privacy (HIPAA)
  • Clinically appropriate exam room location, size, and layout
  • Avoid background noise
  • Adequate lighting for clinical assessment 


  • Desktop computer vs tablet
  • High speed internet 
  • Web camera 
  • Microphone 
  • Dual screens for EHR documentation note-taking 
  • Headphones


  • The same level of professional attire as in-person care.


  • Turn off other web applications and all notifications
  • Review patient complaints and records before beginning call
  • Adjust webcam to eye level to ensure contact
  • Narrate actions with patient (if you need to turn away, look down to take notes, etc.)
  • Verbalize and clarify next steps, such as followup appointments, care plan, or prescription orders
  • Pause to allow transmission delay
  • Speak clearly and deliberately 
  • Choose empathetic language 
  • Use non-verbal language to signal that you are listening